Sunday, April 8, 2007

Wake up Kansas City residents

Kansas City MO - There is a man, Clay Chastain, who is on a one man mission to destroy public transit in Kansas City. He is managed to get the residents to approve a poorly conceived plan at the polls to build a light rail system in Kansas City and he's willing to destroy the city to get it built.

The simple fact is this. Kansas City can't afford light rail and Chastain is unwilling to comprehend that little but very important fact. He has more or less admitted in this report from KMBC-TV9 that he's willing to decimate the bus system to get the line built. He is now demanding that the city take the dedicated transit tax used to operate the bus system to help pay for building the rail line.

He refuses to wait in line with the other cities that are jumping on the rail bandwagon. His precious plan is too important to wait. What a moron. The plan you demand needs Fed money and you refuse to wait. I know why you won't wait too. You know full well the Feds won't approve your Utopian vision, regardless of what party is in control as it is so blatantly flawed that even spendthrift Liberal politicians refuse get behind it.

Then there's this. If the city makes any changes to his plan, he'll sue. If the city doesn't move fast enough for him, he'll sue. If the city doesn't destroy the bus system to pay for his precious rail line, he'll sue. This man isn't just out to destroy the transit system, he's on a crusade to bankrupt and destroy the city.

Simple fact here Clay, the city can't afford your luxury rail line complete with gondola rides, regardless if the voters approved it or not. Your numbers are bad and your planning is greatly flawed and you smooth talked over the major flaws like a professional con man.

Your after one thing Mr. Chastain, a personal legacy that you hope and pray will be viewed in a good light after your passing. All at taxpayer expense I might add. Your as bad as the politicians are with spending other people's money.

There is a well written commentary piece also on this in the Kansas City Star which basically states, it's time to back down. The writer of the commentary piece is correct, Chastain needs to back down but he won't. He's determined to ram-rod his personal rail dream into reality.

What is funny in all of this is that Chastain thinks it's all about him as to why the city and transit system are saying they can't afford it. He stated, that the city won't accept the plan because he thought of it. That right there tells me this is all about his ego and he wants something that can be his legacy. Something that future generations will look at and say "gee, Clay Chastain fought to get this for us". Sorry Clay, it's not going to happen. That brass plaque with your name on it will be ignored by the masses if there's anyone left in the city after it goes bankrupt building your personal rail line.

Considering that Bedford, Virginia is Clay Chastain's current residence, I am curious as to why he is so intent on pushing this plan in Kansas City and why the residents of the city blindly follow this light rail pied-piper. Obviously he no longer lives in KC yet is strutting around as though he owns it. Given the sorry state of our legal system, I'm sure some whacked out Liberal judge will give him the city when Chastain sues to get his penis envy line built.

The citizens of Kansas City need to wake up, get a referendum on the next ballot to shoot Chastain's plan down. Your city will end up being a bankrupt ghost town that has a rail line and gondola ride that sits and looks pretty if his crackpot plan moves forward. It won't be able to run since there won't be money to run it under his poorly thought out plan.

You know, on second thought maybe the residents of Kansas City do deserve what will happen to them if the line is built. They just had to have a new ice arena built and no hockey team to go in it in their attempt to keep up with the Jones'. Perhaps they do deserve every tax increase, boarded up business and job loss they get as the city hemorrhages money and picks the resident's pockets to pay for Chastain's personal legacy that they voted for.

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