Friday, March 30, 2007

AC Transit's Van Hools drawing debate

Oakland CA - The Inside Bay Area site reports on a bus that you either love or hate, the Van Hool buses that AC Transit currently operates and has an order in for more.

When I first saw these things, my first thought was "they are going to be expensive as hell to repair if damaged". Well it turns out I wasn't far off as drivers have confirmed this at the most recent AC Transit board meeting.

The critics of the Van Hools, many of whom are seniors and disabled individuals, cited at the AC Transit board meeting a jarring ride, seats that are difficult to reach and narrow aisles. Drivers cited a narrow wheelbase that leaves a large overhang which smacks into objects on sidewalks as well as a ride that jostles passengers.

Proponents of the Van Hools also had their say. They love the looks and praised the reduced noise and emissions. They also cited a survey that gave the Van Hool high marks. Personally, I'd like to see that survey as well as the raw demographic data collected on it as more than likely the results are skewed to reflect the view of the transit system.

AC Transit is to get in the first prototype for the second order in May with many modifications made to it. Additional changes can then be done on the rest of the order if needed.

Now for a few comments from myself. First off, screw the looks of the bus. I can agree with the reduced noise and emissions but when one of the top reasons for proponents liking the bus and wanting more of them is strictly the appearance, they probably don't ride much.

Appearance doesn't get many butts in the seat either. Good, clean, convenient and reliable service does. The bus could look like an old Ford Edsel and people will still be willing to ride if the service is good. You don't need a "Euro" look to attract riders unless your trying to attract the snobs that wouldn't ride even if they were paid to ride.

What I found as a rather ignorant comment from Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty was this. When he chided the Van Hool detractors for not working out their issues with the elected AC Transit board. Excuse me Mr. Haggerty but I've been reading numerous news reports on their attempts at trying to work things out with the board for 5 years over the various issues with the buses. Perhaps you just closed your ears to their attempts and if the AC Transit board is anything like the board of directors at my transit system, the critics would just be ignored anyway.

Hopefully AC Transit will make the needed modifications to settle this issue.

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